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This week in class we talked about cultural diversity. This is when there is many different
cultures in a society. America has a multicultural society that includes African, Native American,
Asian, Polynesian, and Latin American people. Couterculturaism is when the norms come into play.
We have people who are norms, which are usual or normal around society and then people wwho aren't norms and people look at them differently because they don't do the exact things that the “norms” do.
We also talked about the difference between something that is discovered and something that is
invented. The internet is invented while an x-ray is discovered. An invention is something that is
created or designed while something discovered is something that is unexpectedly found or found
in the course of a search. The x-ray was found while Wilhelm Roentgen was conducting an
experiment and then discovered a ray that he did not plan to find.
We then discussed in class about women having many children because their religion is
against birth control. The Duggar family had 20 kids because their family was against birth control.
In my opinion, I think birth control is just a way of saying you don't want to have kids until you're
ready, or financially stable at least. Some religions see it as you’re not letting god show you what
his plan is for you but why would his plan be for you to go into so much debt because you can’t
afford the kid you gave birth to because of an accidental pregnancy. We also talked about the time
when a child is actually alive. Is it when they have their first heartbeat or when the sperm and egg
first meet? I honestly don't know the real answer to this question but I would probably think that it is
when the child has its first heartbeat, mainly because after death are you still alive until your body is
rotted away or right when your heartbeat leaves your body? You don't keep a loved one at your house
to eat dinner or watch tv with you after their soul has left their body.
In this video, he defines multiculturalism and explains his opinion on whether or not people who
come to our country to leave theirs should be able to continue their own culture or be forced to
learn our culture here.
Picture: This picture is a group of words such as diversity, communication, together, group
and many others that define the meaning of multiculturalism.
One way I can help society is to accept people's culture and respect their culture as much
as I want them to respect mine.
One thing I could do to hurt society would be to disrespect others cultures by telling them
that it is stupid.
One thing society could do for me would be to respect my culture as much as they respect
their own.

One thing society could do to hurt me would make me learn some other culture saying its the
only one that can be a culture.


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