Today in class we talked about Erikson, Piaget, and Kohlberg’s theories on aging for humans. The three people have different theories on the stages of development in life. Erikson believes you never stop developing. He has 7 different stages unlike Kohlberg having three and Piaget who believes you're done after about age 12. In my opinion, I believe that Erikson's stages make more sense. I think you truly don’t ever stop developing because throughout your life you are supposed to make decisions whether those decisions include your career, your children's career, or even if you are going to have children or not. Even when you think your life is done and you can just sit back and relax you can't because you still have duties like paying bills and things like that or family to watch grow up or raise them. They also say your brain doesn’t even develop till the ages of about 21-25. This is crazy to believe because you are expected to make the biggest choices of your life by the time you are even 18. You are expected to choose your career, how you're going to live, and many other decisions that are hard to decide.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4M8Qns43NM This video shows the different parts of the brain that develop at different ages. It also shows the size changes of the brain as you age as well.
I could help society by choosing a career that will help society. Right now, I am thinking nursing and know that society and the worlds need for more nurses.
I could hurt society by not choosing a career that is helpful for it.
Society could help me by showing the good things to being a nurse.
Society could hurt me by not helping me find a good job that I like.
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