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Today in class the main things we talked about were problems in our world and social media. In my
opinion, social media is a big problem in our world. People have become so caught up in their
electronic devices, social media, and overall technology that we forget about the real world around
us. People see Facebook, Instagram, snap chat all as ways to socialize when really they are just
thinking about themselves. I myself do use all of those things so i guess you could say i'm part of the
problem too, but what do you expect when that is what our world revolves around these days.
Everywhere you go people will ask you for your email to send you coupons or deals, why can't you
find those in news papers? Businesses have you like their pages on Facebook to see what upcoming
events they will be having. Over all social media is affecting relationships with others. People are more
rude than ever in my opinion. You don't see people being courteous anymore. People just want to
get where they're going and forget that they aren't the only one in this world. They are too busy on their
phones or laptops to even look up to say hi to someone they know. This is why I believe social  
media is a problem in our society.

This picture points out that all people do these days is sit on their phones. People sit around in
groups on their phones, maybe even texting each other instead of actually communicating with
each other.

The video points out how distracted people can be by social media on their phones. The child
gets hit by a car from being so distracted and even after that happens he still doesn’t look up from
his phone because he is so addicted to it.
One thing I can do to help society is to pay more attention to others rather than my phone.
One thing I can do to not help would be to be on my phone even more while in public.
One thing society can do to help is to be on their phones less and communicate in public places.
One thing society can do to not help would be to be rude or to continue to look at their phone when
I’m talking to them.


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